Book Club Questions

Clouds Over Markota

  • Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?
  • Did you feel the story was plot or character driven?
  • Which character(s) did you identify most with? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Who? Why?
  • What was (were) the pivotal decision(s) in Ilonka's life? Would you have made the same decision(s)? What motivates Ilonka's actions?
  • What was (were) the pivotal decision(s) in Endre's life? Would you have made the same decision(s)? What motivates Endre's actions?
  • Which other characters made decisions or acted in ways that you considered significant? Or could identify with?
  • Do you see any growth or change in any of the characters over the course of the novel? In what ways?
  • Did the plot unfold naturally? How credible was the story-line?
  • What did you think of the ending? If you could re-write the ending, how would you write it?
  • What role did the setting play? What role did the cultural and historic period have on the plot? On the characters? On theme?
  • What role did symbolism and imagery play? In what way did symbols and images support the plot? The characters? The theme(s)?
  • Was there a passage or scene that struck you as particularly significant in some way?